
Thursday, November 26, 2009

An Email I Received...

I just came across something in my spam filter and thought of blogging about it.

It was an email from a worship leader from whom I have not heard from for a long time. I subscribed to his mailing list, and soon discovered that he had only one product to sell, and he would email me only to sell me that one product, so I got to see how many different ways he had to plug that one product. It was entertaining until he ran out of ideas…

Then I saw his most recent email. It was on a money-making opportunity with a multi-level payout. To qualify you had to get people to click on internet advertisements, and once there are enough people in your group clicking on online ads you stand to make a handsome 5-figure sum monthly.

I am not going to say if such an opportunity is going to work in the long term, or will it collapse within a couple of months or so. The best way to find out, I feel, is to get involved, but I honestly don’t want to give up even 5 minutes a day to look at online advertisements.
But that is not the point of this post.

What I want to say is this: if you have subscribed to my mailing lists at Invisible Worship Musician, I assume you want information and insight on worship ministry. I am also going to assume that if you want money-making opportunities, you will look for people you respect in this area and consider the opportunities they offer. I am currently in the midst of setting up a secular business of my own, but if you are on my worship ministry list I will NOT bug you over it, because when you signed up I promised not to spam you with irrelevant messages. And that, in our context, refers to anything that doesn’t apply to worship ministry.

As for the other guy, I wish him well. He is the Lord’s servant, and he is accountable to God for what he does with his mailing list (Rom 14:4). On MY mailing list I will NOT promote to you anything that is not related to worship ministry in some way, shape or form.

And if you are on his mailing list too, I’d like you to share with me, either via email or the comments section below on this page, your thoughts and feelings about him branching out into such other matters and emailing you about it. Are you intrigued, amused, irritated or offended?

Let me know!


Unknown said...

I received the same email as I'm on his list, too. And it made me upset! By the way I had bought his one product he was praising so much. And I was very disappointed (Yours is much better). Even so that I opted for getting my money back which I wouldn't do normally ... (marco)

Junjie said...

Ok, at least I don't feel so weird at being offended by it. And thank you for your kind words about my Invisible Worship Musician! :)